The Neighb serves the evolving needs of the Saginaw community. Our programs and services are catered to economically disadvantaged youth and families and promote community socioeconomic empowerment. We support children and their families in the areas of education, health, housing, and finances. We believe that if our community has access to educational, recreational, and health services, they will thrive to attain a better quality of life.

See What’s Happening At The Neighb and Register For Events By Clicking the News and Updates Tab Located At The Top Of This Page.

Purchase your brick on this link and complete this form:
Please complete your donation by the April 21, 2023.
Limited number being sold.
This is a fantastic way for you to leave your own lasting legacy within this brilliant building.
A personalized brick can make the perfect gift knowing that the profits raised will be used to help people across Saginaw. Bricks are available to reserve for a donation of $125. The profits raised will go directly to NeighB, allowing us to raise capital in order for us to provide young people with the highest quality youth work.
Each brick has space for 32 characters over 2 lines and will be placed within the building sometime this year, the date for which will soon be confirmed. For every personalized brick donation, you will receive a certificate and your own fridge magnet which can be used to display your certificate or can be used as a lovely keepsake. Certificates will be sent via email. And, when The Neighb is fully up and running, we would love for those who have helped us on this fundraising campaign to come along and take a look at their brick!